I have personally seen more activity over the past few weeks. Buyers seem to be ready to make their move. Sellers are ready for offers.
The response to my marketing has been the best it has been all season. Just yesterday I received the second call this week on the same property...Which resulted in a buyers' agent previewing the condo for her client. Her client is coming into town within a week or two to invest in Southwest Florida real estate. According to this article from The Naples Daily News I am not alone...many agents have seen a flurry of activity since Easter.
Typically, Easter marks the "end of season" here...however, this year may be different. The difference is most likely due to the fact that many buyers were waiting for "the bottom"...since we are now starting to see signs of leveling off many buyers are ready to make their move. Many properties have been reduced over $60,000+ since the beginning of season. Buyers are feeling like they are getting a deal and sellers are happy to be receiving offers....Signs of normalcy.